Thursday, August 17, 2017

#14 on the list, #300 on the blog

Once upon a time in 2012 there appeared on a fledgling Instagram (before it became the go-to app for young women to post selfies and pictures of their food) a photo from some hipster indie record store of something entitled "Do Not Buy Ever List" of cd's not to be purchased for resale.

The Grifters were #14.

I like the Grifters.

Soda Pop (1992)

They pumped out quite a bit of music in their tenure and got signed to Sub Pop and nothing ever seemed to happen for them.

At least the music remains.

Holmes (1993)

They were from Memphis where Elvis lived. They have a Facebook page.

It's messy and distorted.
I don't have much else to say.
I'll leave it that.


  1. I was very happy when the Grifters reunited, because I had missed them the first time around. It was nice to see them getting some love at the show I attended, and they were quite good. I bought all their CD's from used record stores, so I'm glad that list wasn't widely circulated. I'm hoping that you will post the Grifters' split single with GBV, if you have it.

    1. PS - Congratulations on reaching #300.

    2. That one I never came across back in the day, but there's some of the other GBV splits/minor rarities coming up in the near future
