Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Year and Other Really Annoying Bullshit

So this is the year we get an extra day of February.

But there is more. With this post I will have (if this thing hasn't been shut down by the Man at some point in between) queued up a new post over a full year ahead of time.
It's 3:49am on the 26th of February, 2019 as of this particular sentence.

So like some weary musical ghost ship on autopilot this meandering hulk of half assed bullshit can continue on without any fresh input from me for one entire journey around the sun. Four full seasons (more or less) will have come and gone before I need to add to the pile.

Hopefully I used that year constructively. (My hope is to use it to make my own terrible music and digitize and preserve the umpteen volumes of cassettes dating back to 1988 I've made which I'm not going to put up here. You're welcome.)

This day is also a year and a day (though for me currently still a couple of days off) since I had the opportunity to see the Chills for a second time since a truly memorable and top ten experience seeing them in 1990 in the 7th St Entry after "Submarine Bells" was released and the last show they were sharing on the tour with Blake Babies (who I vaguely knew back in Boston since I'd worked with their first bass player, Seth.)

Which leads me to this post.
I feel like I want to do something kind of special with it

So today in honor of my upcoming (as of this typing) chance to see the Chills after a number of decades I'm posting the limited, had to buy it directly from Martin himself in 2001, three disc set of Chills rarities and live tracks with umpteen tracks that were never recorded in studio.

My physical copy is in the other room, but it's one of the initial signed numbered ones. I sent Martin a check for something like fifty US dollars and a while later it arrived in all its glory. 

People are also asking absolutely ridiculous prices for it on Discogs right now. 

If I were asked by Numero Group to spearhead some reissues this would likely be my second pick right after the Dolly Mixture "Everything and More" triple disc set that came and went in a heartbeat. (and I missed). That'd be huge.

But nobody asks me.

At that time in 1990 they also did a short in-store performance at Oarfolkjokeopus. It was a lovely low key affair. At one point Martin was at a loss as to what to play next. I offered "Green Eyed Owl", but that version of the band didn't know it. It's still my favorite Chills song....

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