Thursday, February 10, 2022

Wake Up!

 Letting things skate a bit here lately. Let the queue run dry.

Getting a bit lost in looking at new cars. The 17 year old one that she bought for $2500 already with 170+k miles on it is reaching a point where I don't feel like it's worth putting any more money into after about five years of driving. I'm feeling like we've already gotten our money's worth out of it, but it's time to update to something more recent and modern.

So many fucking options. So many opinions. Reviews. Sources.

Normally I'd be scouring the used market since I well know that value depreciated significantly the moment you drive it off the lot, but the market is really really fucking tight right now and the price of newer used vehicles is not significantly less than new ones. So with that in mind I'm figuring that I may as well buy a new one. But even those are hard to come by with the chip shortage and all that crap, so it looks like I'm going to have to order what I want through the dealer. Which is certainly a weird situation to be in, but here we are.

Which has nothing to do with anything except that I got up earlier than usual this morning and I'm still a little groggy this many hours later despite two espressos.

You might say I'm a "Sleepyhead"

Play (1990)


Their first bleat straight from the basement of NYU and produced by Kramer of Shimmy Disc/Bongwater/Shockabilly fame and who I think is a much better maker of records than Albini ever was or will be.


It needed to be said.

Oh yeah, Sleepyhead. Noisy pop music with boy/girl voices.


 Fairyboat (1991)

This is the second single and more of the same.
It's one of those sounds that really encapsulates a time for me.
While the rest of everybody was sniffing Teen Spirit for the first time I was here.
This isn't life changing music, but it's, at least for me, kind of like sonic comfort food.
It's good enough and lingers with a pleasant nostalgia on the palate, but not necessarily going to be what I'm humming tomorrow. I will tap a foot while it's playing though.

Sometimes that's more than enough.

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