Monday, December 31, 2018

Here's Your Party Album

Hopefully this missive gets to you in time to save whatever lame New Year's Eve party you're going to tonight.

Roman Gods (1981)

Here is one of the greatest party records of all time by one of the greatest live acts of all time, the Fleshtones.
This is music made for playing loud and drinking beer to. Its raucous and fun and dumb and everything you need to liven up any festive occasion.

Seeing the Fleshtones lives was a guarantee that you would emerge at the end drenched in sweat from nonstop dancing and probably pretty happy and drunk at the same time. They never failed to deliver and it was always a good fucking time.

Really. There's a documentary to watch about them. It's inspiring.

Do yourself and others a favor and tear whatever lame bullshit is likely to be played and chuck this on.

You're Welcome.

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