Thursday, October 23, 2014

Two Great Tastes

For absolutely no reason than I want to post these two things here's a couple more singles to stuff in your brain and let rattle around like marbles in a coffee can.

Babylon Dance Band (1981)

The Babylon Dance Band is one of the original bands from the Louisville, KY area which was a scene that nobody would give a shit about for at least another decade. They existed briefly until the didn't and then morphed into Antietam, another band that nobody really noticed outside of Kentucky. I only know they existed because I used to flip right by their records frequently in stores when I started at "A" and began working my way through the alphabet. They also toured at least once with Yo La Tengo at a show I wasn't able to go to. Perhaps I missed something.
This is one of those singles that occasionally gets name checked in some circles. I'd read somewhere about it long before I ever saw a copy. Whatever. I like "Remains of the Beat".

the Bleeding Hickeys (2002)

Fast forward 21 years.

The Bleeding Hickeys were from Minneapolis. They appeared made a big splash and then were sucked back under. They put out this seven inch and a full length (Lover & Haters Unite!", maybe if you're nice and someone leaves a comment or two someday...).

One band I had played with them a couple of times. I was not impressed at the time. (Most likely because they were getting all the attention I wanted for our cruddy little outfit that we didn't really deserve.) Listening now, I like it a lot more. Lots of energy and some serious Brix Smith guitar stylings over songs like "Cock Taco" How can you hate a song called "Cock Taco"? I defy you to hate that. You can't. (And a liar if you say different.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Swinging Singles-
    Thanks for liking Remains of the Beat. Despite, ahem, the relative lack of attention, Antietam remains active and has been since 1984. Our latest record, Intimations of Immortality, was, ahem, well-received and perhaps you might like to check it out at all of the usual digital sites.
    Tara Key
