Friday, July 9, 2021

Another Bite of the Big Apple


Yeah, I'm going to toss off another quick one.

I need to be awake for another hour.

TV Sex Star (1981)

Ok, I couldn't find anything concrete about this band in the scant five minutes of google searching I did and the actual record is still in packed a box in the other room so I can't refer to that either.

The band's name is also really easy to miss on the cover so a lot of times you the actual name, the Agents (one of over a dozen bands that have used the name) gets lost and they're called TV Sex Star.

But it's a perfect storm of 1981.

You have Ronald Reagan on the cover and the presumed subject of the song "TV Sex Star". A bit of white boy reggae that gets mixed up in the NYC punk pop of the rest of it. A whiny synth that makes an appearance. The last three songs are all recorded live.

And it's all surprisingly good. 

It feels like one of those records that just never fell into the orbit of the right people who are interested in and reissue these kinds of things. I mean, the song "No Name" about an L.A. acid casualty with it's super cheesy synth hook is a stone cold classic that ought to be rescued from the ash heap of musical history and brought into the light.

 I originally stumbled across it on somebody else's music blog years ago and liked it enough to track down my own surprisingly cheap as fuck copy.

Perhaps this will inspire you to do the same

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