Friday, July 13, 2018

Dates are a Bit Fuzzy at This Point

The internet has kind of let me down with this one.

It's the triumphant (?) return of a compilation on the thirteenth

It's a single sided cheaply recorded thing and I'm not sure exactly when it was released or when I picked it up for a dollar.

It's on the Blackbean & Placenta Tape Club Label who put out lots and surprisingly lots of quick and cheaply made records.

This is one of them.

I'm going with 1997 as the date for this. It just feels right. The internet doesn't seem to fucking know and twenty years later it's close enough for our purposes.

A1 Pip Proud Black Choir
A2 Noggin I'm Getting into Dirt Now
A3 Longstocking Mercyfuck
A4 Orange Cake Mix Les Viandes
A5 Magnolias Milan Bach
A6 Saraspoden Nostalgia



  1. Yes, this is rare stuff. I've been looking for some Magnolias Milan tracks and this thing has got one. Also there's a rare Orange Cake Mix song. Thank you very much.

    1. Blackbean and Placenta was such a strange and random label. I got a few things as I came across them. I think I probably got it for the Pip Proud track.
