Monday, November 4, 2019

Getting Ready for a Costco Run

So it's a day off and I actually got up early so that I'd be awake during normal business hours and could run some errands. It's one of the things you have to do when you work nights. You either stay up late or get up early to do normal people shit.
Thank (insert deity of choice) for stores open 24 hours and living in the city.

Life in General (1982)

A quick google comes up with a few interesting things about this otherwise obscure 12".

The band started off as one called X-15 who had a song called "Vaporized" on the local compilation "Seattle Syndrome" in 1981. At some point they changed the name to Life in General.

It's been sitting in the SSC to post folder since December 21, 2017 mostly because I was kind of thinking I'd get to L in the alphabet a lot faster than that. But today seems like as good a day as any since we're long past even vaguely trying to keep up with alphabets and such and that folder is rapidly getting larger and larger so I should do something to clear it out a bit.

I probably haven't even listened to it completely since then either
I like it.

I'm also pretty sure that in the meantime from "Vaporized" until this was recorded they likely had heard a couple of Bauhaus records which is most obvious in "Respite Lost" where the singer tries his best to channel him some Peter Murphy.

That's not a value judgement. Merely an observation.

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