Saturday, December 26, 2020

Box This

Boxing Day.

The Traditions continue, because that's what traditions do.

Elementary Particles (1979)

Mofongo is a Puerto Rican dish made from green plantains that are fried, seasoned, mashed, mixed with fried pork skins and rolled into balls.

Here's a recipe:

Mofungo was a noisy disjointed band that existed in NYC from 1979-1993

Here is an interview with the story:


El Salvador (1982)

A few years later. Still noisy and disjointed.

Like if No Wave had a sense of humor rather than just one of aloof irony.

Try it.

 It's sure to bug the fuck out of somebody you dislike.
I appreciate that in music.

1 comment:

  1. Boxed. Immediately after Christmas. I saw red. My mind is noisy and disjointed most of the time...
