Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Disaster Averted

 For some reason I had the thought that I'd loaded up the queue for here at the same time I'd done the SSC Mn one.
I hadn't and we were very close to not having a timely post of nonsense and musical shenanigans for this day.


Anyway. I'm making Portuguese Bean Soup tonight.

It's Portuguese Bean Soup weather.

Even more so as a one pot, boil and serve meal.
I'm not feeling very ambitious.

However for some folks I will proceed with some bad news.

My free file space ran out and since I'm generally a cheap fucking bastard who does this out of a general desire to share some really cool stuff that's Out of Print with people and not as a means of wringing a meager profit for my troubles, I've started deleting old files from Mediafire to make space for new stuff.

So far, I've freed up another gig or so by taking out the files originally posted in 2014.
That will hopefully tide us over for a bit before the next purge needs to occur.
I have no plans to reup any of it. Seven years is an eon on internet terms.
Sorry latecomers. 

the Mgmt

Can't Stand Still (1977)

Headache were from London.

This is their only blurt out into the world at large which is huge fucking shame.

"Can't Stand Still" is an earworm of the most insidious kind. It will drill itself deep in your skull and will require some strenuous pogoing to dislodge it like some kind of leather and spike clad tarantella. I was forced to buy this single as a form of exorcism.

Use only with proper supervision and sedation available as a precaution.

Hungry, So Angry (1981)

Medium Medium

Long before the word "hangry" had entered the popular lexicon (It wasn't entered into Merriam- Webster's until 2018) there was this single.

It usually is an apt description of my state of being whenever I start typing up these posts since it seems like way too many of them revolve around what I'm eating or going to eat or want to be eating with much more in depth descriptions of that than the music.

This some bass popping funky New Wave action for anyone not familiar.
So I got that out of the way at least.

Keep on dancing.

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